Thursday, January 7, 2010

How do you effectively wash clothing in the sink of a hotel bathroom?

How do you effectively wash clothing in the sink of a hotel bathroom?

Looking for details on this arcane topic. What kind of soap if best? In what quantity do you use it? How long should one let clothing soak? What's the most effective way of getting most of the water out of the clothing?How do you effectively wash clothing in the sink of a hotel bathroom?
Woolite is good for hand washing but use very very little as it is super concentrated.

Squeeze clothes gently to remove excess water then place a towel or towels flat lay washed item in the towel flat. Roll the item tightly up in the towel this will take out the excess water. Keep rolling in dry towels until as much water as possible is removed then hang or lay flat to dry depending on fabric.

You can use a blow dryer on warm of cool setting (depending fabric) to dry faster.

Make sure to request extra towels for your room before doing you laundry.

The link I put here will help you every step of the way washing clothing while traveling.

I hope this helps.How do you effectively wash clothing in the sink of a hotel bathroom?
Use the shampoo if you have nothing else. Run lukewarm water into the sink, put in a bit of shampoo, say one or two spoonfuls(too much will just mean more rinsing), swish the clothing around a bit, let it soak a few minutes, swish it again, rub a bit if the clothing will take that, drain the water, fill sink with fresh water to rinse or rinse under running lukewarm water until you feel no soap residue. Lay clothing out flat on a towel, roll up the towel, squeeze but don't wring, hang or lay flat to dry the rest of the way.
I'd use woolite and follow the directions on the bottle. Then hang clothes to dry.
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