Thursday, January 7, 2010

My ski clothes have a mildew smell. I have washed with vinegar, but they still smell. Can't be dry cleaned.

LAY OUTSIDE IN THE BRIGHT WARM SUNSHINE AND SPRAY WITH LYSOL SPRAY --LET THE SUN SOAK THEM FOR A FEW DAYS.My ski clothes have a mildew smell. I have washed with vinegar, but they still smell. Can't be dry cleaned.
Cold water wash with 3 ounces of clear amonia.

The rinse cycle will remove all traces of the amonia.

no soap necessary.My ski clothes have a mildew smell. I have washed with vinegar, but they still smell. Can't be dry cleaned.
Hang them outside on a sunny day, or in front of an open window, if you can't hang them outside.
wash it a couple times. use bleach if you can. use downy simple pleasures if you can
Oxi-Clean (sp?) works really well for mildew smell. If you don't want to go that route, add some baking soda to your wash after letting the clothes sit in a full load of water and cup of white vinegar mix for about an hour.

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