Monday, December 21, 2009

Check this i work all day, 5 days a week ,8 hrs. everyday mywife thinks i should wash the clothes.manorwoman?

ok i work 5/8's she works maybe on the weekend who should wash clothes?? man or womanCheck this i work all day, 5 days a week ,8 hrs. everyday mywife thinks i should wash the clothes.manorwoman?
Why don't you both switch off?

You have a whole weekend too. You sure have it easy.Check this i work all day, 5 days a week ,8 hrs. everyday mywife thinks i should wash the clothes.manorwoman?
At least she's not asking you to do it all. I think it's a small thing that she's asking after all, I'm sure the washer will actually do the washing and the dryer the drying, so all you really have to do is see to getting them into the machines with the proper amounts of detergent, softener, etc. and you can fold or hang the clothes while watching TV. What's the big deal? She didn't ask you to build her a nuclear warhead. So what? You work 40 hours a week. If she wasn't there you'd be working 40 a week and you would Have to do the laundry, the cooking, the dishes, the floors, and everything else on your own. Appreciate what you have and don't sweat the small stuff.
The line in the sand where gender is concerned is shifting and almost disappearing these days. There really is no man or woman jobs in the household now. Each gender seems to be contributing equally and it is not girly to help out, it is not girly to vacuum, wash, change nappies, feed children, clean house, make all live in the house together and you all dirty the dishes, dirty the clothes all should chip in and help out without making it a big big issue. You will only cause fights between you that don't have to happen. What your partner is asking you really (in woman speak) is to help out a little and blend your roles at home a little more and not make them so defined. That all went out the window with the 50's and 60's.
okay i'm a sahm and my husband works 12 hr days. it used to be 3 weeks at a time. now it's only 4 days a week. i told him he has no business in the laundry room. but i hate doing dishes so on occasion he would do dishes just to help me out or he would vacuum or he might clean the tub while i clean the rest of the bathroom or even cook on occasion. my point is, he works longer hours than you and he is less of a crybaby than you are being. he knows i deserve a break or some help sometimes and he gives it to me without my having to ';nag'; it's his way of showing his appreciation for my spending my day taking care of kids and him and our 7 pets and our house. so show some appreciation to your wife. one household chore is not much compared to what is on her to-do list.
I think both.

Married people fight over silly stuff what is the real problem here?

My father was such a tight wad that my mother had the oldest washer and had to hang her clothes on a old fashion line outside. When it rained we had clothes hanging all over the house. Our wash room was not even connected to the house.

Make love and stop fighting.
If she doesn't have a job outside of the home, the home is her job. To me (teacher-off for the summer) it becomes much easier when there is a schedule and structure. During the Summer my husband just mows the grass.

When I go back to work, we split a lot of the work. He does all of the laundry (Lord bless him).

EDIT- I agree Brandon. Sometimes its easier if you just say ';okay I'll do it';, not because you love doing the dishes or buying groceries on your day off, but because its what couples do for one another. It makes life much more enjoyable...especially if you do things together.
Since both of you are wear clothes, both are responsible for the upkeep of the clothes, chores, house, etc. It should be an equal share of responsibility.
No I think she should. BUT you do need to help her once in a while. You obviously get two days off so she should to. It makes a happier marriage when both of you come to an agreement. you have to compromise in marriage.
what else does she do besides work on the weekend?

if that's all she does, which i doubt, then she should do it.

if she does other stuff around the house, then you guys should split the chores.
She cooks washes up scrubs the toilet cleans the bathroom sweeps mops vacumes runs all the errons and more plus works weekends and contributes financially yes you should wash the clothes is it so hard
By your spelling I would guess that you finished the 3rd grade and you ask people if they would like fries with that. And she probably makes just as much if not more than you. Do the damn clothes.
of course the wife should

but maybe your wife has a reason too

maybe your not buying detergent

thats why she don't want to wash your clothes lol
Whoever wants to wear clean clothes should chip in and help with laundry.
Both of you .. i am 5'8'' too .. working 7 Day's a Week .. and about 14 to 16 hours a day untill that i wash a cloths .. heheheh opps yeah on Sunday i work 6 hours only ..
she should she's not exactly dragging them down to the river she's putting them in a washer, big deal.
everythig in marriage is negotiable....have a decent conversation with her
alternate, she does it this week, then you do it next week.
the one with the most free time.
take care of your own stuff
woman, but that doesn't exclude YOU. when does she get a day off?

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