Thursday, December 24, 2009

How can a politician justify a family using the local laundry mat to wash their clothes. But when they finish

they load the family into a 2005 Suburban, spinner rims, tinted windows, leather upholsterphy, tricked out chrome trim, %26amp; a whole lot more. This vehicle must cost around $30,000.00. Plus the damn thing is a gas hog.

Seeing this, I wonder, did her washing machine break. Well that would be my first guess.

Then I would make my politically correct assumption. She and her family milk my social services system. They live in a home with 20 other family member, half of whom don't have papers to be in this country. Those half members receive social benefits. The husband works but claims head of household without the wife to claim all the EIC credit for income tax. The wife recieves food stamps for not working and claiming herself disabled, boom Social Security benefits...$600.00 per month.

This goes on and on. As an American, I am sick and tires of these leaches. Let's kick out the ones with no papers and send them back to wherever their sorry a_s country exists....How can a politician justify a family using the local laundry mat to wash their clothes. But when they finish
Don't hate.your just assuming stuff.My mom works two jobs and I work one while also still going to college,yet we all still do our laundry in the local laundry mat.The reason being is that we just don't wish to buy one.Have you thought that maybe those people actually saved their money to buy that car or that perhaps they are still paying for it?Like my english teacher use to tell us.never assume anything cause it just makes you look like an @ss.Instead of being bitter and wishing what others have and making excuses as to why you don't have those things,why don't you sit down and look at your life and make some changes to it so that you can also have all those things.I'm sure if you didn't buy so much beer or junk food you would save enough to buy a much better car in a short time.How can a politician justify a family using the local laundry mat to wash their clothes. But when they finish
Amen to that. Its funny I worked as a cashier when I was a teenager and they used to come in and buy all this junk food/frozen food , the bill would be almost 300 and then they would pay with their foodstamp card. A few minutes later I would have some little old lady in line that would have to put stuff back because she couldn't afford it all on her fixed income.
If they need a big car then what you want a bus
Your mind works funny. If I had seen that, I would have thought: What a bunch of dummies. They blew their money on a gas hog, status symbol and can't afford a washer. Immediately afterward I would have concluded they were drug dealers or pimps. Drug dealers don't sink money into objects they can't flee with.
Maybe her washing machine DID break down. You don't know if she is on welfare or even illegally here! Like someone else said, maybe the family is there on vacation. Why jump to conclusions when you have no facts? You just made up a story to fit one incident. Guessing is not facts....Also, If they had a large family, it might have been less time consuming to go to a laundromat to wash their clothes all at one time using several machines than one load at a time at home.

And, ..what the heck does a politician have to with a family washing their clothes in a d@mn laundromat???? Smoked that weed a lot, didn't you? You seem to have lost a few billion brain cells somewhere
I live in a part of the country where houses are avg $400,000, and a lot of ppl rent (myself included). My apartment community doesn't have w/d in the apartments, and though there are laundry facilities, sometimes it's just easier to take it all to the landromat and do it all at once. If ppl want to spend money on tricking out their cars instead of on a $2500/month mortgage, that's their business, not yours.

If they go as a family (sisters or mom and daughter), rather than alone, b/c their car is bigger and holds more stuff and it's easier to keep track of kids, that's also none of your business. I hate going to the 'mat alone, but I have to b/c I can't take my 2-yr old with me, so I leave him at home w/ hubby. He's too busy for me to watch him and the washers...

So please, take your presumptions about other people's lives and stick them up your misguided, bigoted a**...
By your own admission, only one part of your question is not an ASSUMPTION. Someone with a 2005 Suburban went to a laundry-mat. How is that any politicians fault? I agree there are too many people receiving too much welfare, but this is NOT the way to argue the point. BTW, this is not a 'politically correct' assumption.
How can we fix other countries (Iraq) when we can't even take care of our problems at home? Bush is complete moron. An ape could have ran this country better! His whole campaign and existance is a joke.

American wants to help all those in need for PR, because it looks good. What about my grandmother who is 83 and has one leg? She can get $10.00 a month. This is true! That is what the government offered her, citing she made too much social security per month to recieve aid (she makes $750 a month). How pathetic is it that people who are here illegally can get more aid? They even made a spanish version to OUR national anthem. Did anyone ask China to produce a Russian version? No, because their native language is Chinese...DUH!

I am so tired of this nation bending for aliens, it makes me sick! I get so irritated when I see a commericial in nothing but Spanish showing in my small town in Indiana. I get telemarketing calls on my cell phone with not one word of English! Does it p*ss me off, HELL YES!
You see someone at a laundramat and think they are getting welfare? C'mon, if they are illegal they cannot buy a house. If they cannot buy a house they either have to rent a house or an apartment, most of the time they dont have washer/dryers. So you have to go to the laundramat. Maybe they worked for years saving up to buy their fancy truck, or had the whole family working towards it. You shouldnt assume things, and you shouldnt spread stereotypes when you have no idea what their actual situation is. Next time ask them!
eEverything you just said is the truth!!!!!!!! My sister is married to a legal Mexican and they too, do not have a washer or dryer. They have been washing their clothes at the laundromat for over 20 years. Why? Because of the cost to operate them (electric bill) oh, and because he can't seem to break down and buy a washer and dryer. He's too busy sending all of his money back home to Mexico to his mother.

BTW, they live in an apartment that HAS washer and dryer connections. He's just too cheap to buy them!
If the local laundromat is privately owned, then it's no different than the family eating out at a restaurant rather than cooking at home.

How does that affect your social services system, unless the laundromat is owned or subsidized by the city or county.
I agree
Wow, sounds like you got your hate on for the 'Burban, there...

What do you drive, a Mazda? LOL
You failed to mention the free health care, education, no or very little tax and general assistance. It's a legal crime in this country of ours, time we changed it, elections are coming up so vote those dirty politicians out and get some with gumption enough to stand up for their constituents rights and change the laws.
exactly. the apartment i used to live in was a nice place in 1999. by 2006 they turned it into a dump. no good comes from that. and to the person with the redneck how stereotypical. im against the illegals and im a democrat. most american dems are.... think before talking.
Washing machines are expensive and they are expensive to run. Some people don't see a need in having them. Some people don't have the room for them in their house. In college and a year after I used a laundromat and I was not on any government programs. This is one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard by the way.
LOL I couldnt have said it better myself
I am willing to bet you are exaggerating the case and do not even know the family.
Did you ever go to a Illegal Hispanic neighborhood. The car mechanics are all illegal. They sell stolen parts for like nothing. A lot of illegals drive stolen cars too. They're are other scams discontinued cars. Did you ever notice a lot of illegals drive Grand Cherokee Limiteds and Nissan Maximas....hmmm
If you become paranoid then you will see problems under every rock.You don't know,you assumed .. I hope you were wrong.
I agree whole heartedly, you see this expensive cars sitting outside the section 8 housing or houses that are literally falling down around the occupants ears but they don't do a damn thing about it. But yet they get all of this money and over 90% of the family members are illegal.
The family may also have been on vacation.
You're most likely a redneck who got rejected by a cute Hispanic girl.

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